Воруй! Убивай! Угоняй страусов! (с) | Life is stupid.
Что-то мне слегонца не везет сегодня на реборнофанфики в англофендоме. Уже второй или третий подряд вызывает у меня состояние фейспалма. К чему бы это?
АПД: Господи, еще один...
"Um...A-are you…. Giotto?" I stuttered, my voice left me weak. "The man in front of me looked up in reflex, and his eyes widened.
"Yes?" his voice reflects surprise, while his hand took off his glasses. "Oh, are you Ellenois?" he seemed to realize something. I nodded timidly.
"Nice to meet you, Elle. And yes, my name is Giotto," the velvety voice kindly introduced himself.

АПД: Господи, еще один...
"Um...A-are you…. Giotto?" I stuttered, my voice left me weak. "The man in front of me looked up in reflex, and his eyes widened.
"Yes?" his voice reflects surprise, while his hand took off his glasses. "Oh, are you Ellenois?" he seemed to realize something. I nodded timidly.
"Nice to meet you, Elle. And yes, my name is Giotto," the velvety voice kindly introduced himself.

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